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Gibt Ihnen Zeit zurück

Gives back the time

you have taken to say goodbye.


+++++ Attention - important notice +++++
With the introduction of the European Union's Entry/Exit System (EES), the framework conditions for the EasyPASS Registered Traveller Programme (RTP) are changing. Therefore, re-registration of existing participants is generally required at this time.
Participants from the Republic of Korea and Taiwan are exempt from this, as the reciprocity agreements as well as the participation examinations already take the corresponding contents into account. Participants from the United States of America and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China can re-register at a Federal Police registration office at EasyPASS locations as early as 3 July 2023. This allows users to continue enjoying the benefits of participating in EasyPASS-RTP without interruption with the introduction of the EES.

What is EasyPASS?

The border control system at a glance.

Quick, simple, modern: With EasyPASS, you can simplify your own border crossing at the airport and take care of it yourself. Scan your electronic passport (ePassport), take a quick look at the camera – and you've already passed border control.

What is EasyPASS?


Hold­ers of a valid elec­tron­ic pass­port (or Ger­man elec­tron­ic iden­ti­ty card) from
- EU/EEA/CH and at least 12 years old or
- USA/HKG/KOR/TWN, Easy­PASS-RTP reg­is­tered and at least 12 years old or
- all states with a valid Ger­man res­i­dence per­mit and at least 12 years old

More: Who can use EasyPASS? …
eGates am Flughafen Frankfurt/Main - Einreise Terminal 2, Ebene 2 (refer to: Who can use EasyPASS?)

In Frank­furt am Main, Mu­nich, Cologne/Bonn, Düs­sel­dorf, Berlin Bran­den­burg, Stuttgart, Hanover and Ham­burg you will find the Easy­PASS au­to­mat­ed bor­der con­trol sys­tem.

Cur­rent­ly, 255 con­trol lanes (eGates) are used across the sites.

More: Where do I find EasyPASS? …
Map of EasyPASS locations in Germany (refer to: Where do I find EasyPASS?)
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