At the airports of Frankfurt am Main, Munich, Cologne/Bonn, Düsseldorf, Berlin Brandenburg, Stuttgart, Hanover and Hamburg you will find the (partially) automated EasyPASS border control system. Currently, a total of 255 control lanes (eGates) are used across the sites.

The use of EasyPASS is free of charge, voluntary and can be done on an individual basis by the permissible group of users if required. Services related to EasyPASS, EasyPASS-RTP as well as Global Entry – the partner programme of the USA – are offered at the EasyPASS locations at the posted times.

Berlin Brandenburg

Servicepoint der Bundespolizeiinspektion
Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg
Terminal 1
2nd Floor

Open around the clock.

Phone: 030 856211 –1255


Cologne/Bonn Airport, Terminal 1, Stairway 5, Level 0
Joint Police Station Federal Police/State Police

Open around the clock.

Phone: 0049 (0) 2203-9522-2030
E-mail: bpolifh.cgn@polizei.bund.de


Central building departure level

Opening hours:
Mon. - Thu. 08:00 - 15:00
Fri. 08:00 - 14:00

Phone: 0049 (0) 211 9518-261
E-mail: bpoli.dus.easypass@polizei.bund.de


Frankfurt Airport, terminal 1, hall B, level 3, stairs to skyline train

Opening hours:
06:30 - 21:30

Core hours:
08:00 - 18:00

Phone: 0049 (0)69-6800 43730
E-mail: fra.sc@polizei.bund.de


Hamburg Airport, terminal 2, level 1

Opening hours:
4:30 - 24:00

Phone: 0049 (0) 40 500 27-300
E-mail: bpolifh.ham@polizei.bund.de



Hanover Airport - Federal Police Station
Federal Police in Terminal B Departures level (2nd floor)

Opening hours of the Federal Police: around the clock
Please allow for possible waiting times during your visit.

Telephone: 0049 (0)511 7281-1106
E-Mail: bpolifh.haj@polizei.bund.de


Munich Airport, Munich Airport Center (MAC), Ebene 04

Opening hours:
06:30 - 21:00

Phone: 0049 (0) 89 97307-9888
E-mail: muc.sp@polizei.bund.de


Stuttgart Airport

Service point of the Federal Police
Terminal 1 - Level 3

Appointments for EasyPASS-RTP registration/Global Entry pre-check can be made 24/7 by telephone or e-mail.
EasyPass-RTP Registrations /Global Entry pre-checks without an appointment are also possible, but in this case there may be waiting times of more than 30 minutes.

Contact details for making an appointment
Telephone: 0049 (0)711 78781-0
E-mail: bpolifh.str@polizei.bund.de

Map of EasyPASS locations in Germany

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